
Welcome to the UNODC Data Collection Portal

Please find below the UNODC questionnaires

Annual Report Questionnaire (ARQ)

Since 2021, the ARQ data collection is different from previous cycles due to a new content of the questionnaire, approved by the Commission on Narcotic Drugs at its 63rd session, and a new web-based data collection instrument, the Data eXchange Platform (DXP), accessible at the URL: https://dxp.unodc.org. National ARQ Focal Points and Permanent Missions are requested to confirm their accounts and to access the Data eXchange Platform to manage and complete the ARQ.

The UNODC secretariat stands ready to assist National ARQ Focal Points and Permanent Missions in completing the new ARQ. Requests for assistance can be sent by email to unodc-arq@un.org.

The consolidated response should be submitted through the DXP no later than 31 July 2024.

Relevant documents:

Note by the Secretariat on the improved and streamlined Annual Report Questionnaire (ARQ)

Guidelines for the completion of the annual report questionnaire (ARQ) 

Individual Drug Seizures (IDS)

The templates for the IDS mandated data collection are accessible at our web-based data collection instrument, the Data eXchange Platform (DXP), accessible at the URL: https://dxp.unodc.org.

National IDS Focal Points (FP) and Permanent Missions (PM) have received an email from uniteidentity_noreply@un.org with the subject: “An invitation from the United to access our applications” inviting them to register on the DXP.

PMs and FPs are requested to follow the link and instructions provided in order to access the Data eXchange Platform, to download the IDS questionnaire template and Guidance notes, as well as upload the data once it is ready to be submitted.

Countries are encouraged to submit IDS data on a quarterly basis, according to the deadlines specified below:

Data for:

Submission deadline

Quarter I

June 30

Quarter II

September 30

Quarter III

December 31

Quarter IV

March 31


For any related queries, please contact the IDS team at: unodc-ids@un.org.

United Nations Survey of Crime Trend and Operations of Criminal Justice Systems (UN-CTS) 

Data Questionnaire - UN-CTS

English español

Metadata - UN-CTS

English español


National Focal Point for the completion of the questionnaire: Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Please submit compiled questionnaires in electronic format to the email address: unodc-cts@un.org.

The consolidated response should be returned no later than 31 July 2024.

Relevant documents:

Explanatory Note on the UN-CTS Completion (English, French, Spanish)

Illicit Arms Flows Questionnaire (UN-IAFQ)

Data Questionnaire - UN-IAFQ

العربية 中文 English Français Русский


Metadata - UN-IAFQ

العربية 中文 English Français Русский



National Focal Point for the completion of the questionnaire: Ministry of Interior.

Please submit compiled questionnaires in electronic format to the email address: iafq@un.org.

The consolidated response should be returned no later than 31 July 2024.

Questionnaire for the Global Report on Trafficking In Persons (GLOTIP)
GLOTIP العربية 中文 English Français Русский Español


Please submit compiled questionnaires in electronic format to the email address: unodc-globaltipreport@un.org

The consolidated response should be returned no later than 31 July 2024.